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The psalmist in chapter 42 asks, “Why, my soul, are you downcast? Why so disturbed within me?”. “My soul is downcast within me. Deep calls to deep in the roar of your waterfalls; all your waves and breakers have swept over me.”
We are never “just in a bad mood”. They never come from nowhere.
Yet, moods are inevitable in our fallen lives. Negative moods may be fueled by physiology, our body chemistry, by (false) beliefs and other difficult past experiences.
Unfortunately, our thought life and actions are much guided by these negativisms. Sadly, they make us vulnerable to temptations, only to be manipulated by our negative emotions and worst, Satan.
Yet we don’t need to be victimized by them, or make victims of others especially of those within our closed proximity. Come and better understand moods and better understand yourself, your loved ones or simply as a friend to your neighbor. And finally, remember, you are the Beloved of God.
About the Speaker/Facilitator
Raymond is with the Family Justice Court (“FJC”), and leads the Youth Court as a Senior Court Family Specialist. There, he supervises the team in the delivery of psycho social interventions.
Raymond was previously with the Ministry of Social and Family Development and Institute of Mental Health where he worked with youth at risk and cared for patients with mental health conditions and addictions. His 1st stint at the FJC was as a senior court counsellor for complex child protection matters and family violence. He was transferred to the Singapore Prison Service working with high risk offenders. Thereafter, he was in private practice before returning for his current 2nd stint at the FJC.