Walking with a Friend in the Valleys of Life

Time: to
Location: Tony and Lay San’s Residence

Registration: https://forms.office.com/r/tXVVeL1ezd

Take Note that the location has been changed to Tony and Lay San’s Residence.

Christians are not excluded from worldly stresses in life. In fact, the effects might be greater because of Scriptural expectations and the inability to act in ways that non-Christians may. Sadly, when church friends are approached, sometimes the response may be a simplistic “pray, trust God, have faith”. Though these are true, more may be needed for those who may be in a deeper hole, often not of their choosing. This “more” can include godly advice, wise counsel, and being a spiritual friend to journey with him.

Not all of us may be “trained” to be a counsellor or qualified to be a “spiritual director”. Neither are we naturally gifted. Yet, as a mutual part of the body of Christ in GEFC, each of us can provide a listening ear to a fellow brother /sister in the faith, encourage him /her on to the rightful path, journey with him together for a little while till he is a little more sufficient.

Sign up to join us for a time of enlightening conversations and knowledge to equip us better to provide that godly counsel and be a spiritual friend.

Breakfast will be provided from 8.30 am onward. 

Facilitator: Joseph John

Joseph John trained as a professional Social Worker at the former University of Singapore before proceeding for further studies in Canada. He studied at the Institute for Christian Studies before pursuing training in Hospital Chaplaincy at the Toronto General Hospital. Following that, he did Family Studies at St. Paul University, Ottawa, Canada. Upon his return, he worked with the Fellowship of Evangelical Students for fifteen years whilst also working as an Associate Therapist at the Counselling and Care Centre from 1980-1986. In 1996, he re-joined CCC as a Senior Therapist before setting up his own practice, Kairos Psychotherapy Services, in 2001. He currently supervises students in counselling at the School of Counselling, Singapore Bible College.